Everyone can help improve the Design System by joining our community discussions, events and co-design collaborations.
We depend on a strong cross-government community to ensure the Design System includes the latest research, design and development to represent and be relevant for its users. Read our community principles.
Sign up to our mailing list
Find out when we announce new events, workshops and ask for help from our community.
Join the conversation
Here’s a few places to join the discussions that help shape the Design System.
Chat with us on Slack
If you work in government, find us on the #govuk-design-system Slack channel to get support, give us feedback or share your work with us.
Discuss and give feedback
Tell us your experience using our components and patterns. Look for the ‘Help improve this page’ section at the end of each page to see its issue discussion, or see a list of all discussions.
Share your examples and research
We want to hear how existing components and patterns perform in your service, not just what we’re working on. Follow our research template to share findings about your users.
Propose a change to pages
Anyone can suggest an improvement, report a bug or correct an error on our pages. Look for the ‘Help improve this page’ section at the end of each page to propose a change using GitHub.
Attend our events
Join one of our regular events where we share ideas and work together to solve common problems affecting service teams.

Design systems monthly catchup
Every month, we host an informal catchup with our community.
Hosted on Zoom, the call usually includes a show and tell from the Design System team and contributors, followed by group discussions where everyone can participate.
Sign up to our mailing list to find out when we announce the next call, so you can register.

Join a Workshop
We often organise workshops to gather ideas and feedback about work we’re doing, particularly when we know it will affect service teams. If you’d like to help the next time we do, sign up to our mailing list.
Design System Day
Every year, we host an online conference to collaborate and share knowledge about design systems with like-minded people, covering topics like accessibility, community and decision-making.
Design System Day 2023 took place on 10 and 11 October. View videos, session information and speaker biographies from the event.
Collaborate and co-design
We’ve also formed cross-government groups to co-design new additions to the Design System. They’re open to everyone that’s interested in working with us.

Maps in services
Help us explore best practices for the use of maps across the public sector so we can make them more accessible and consistent.
Propose and help build a component or pattern
If you’d like to take a bigger role to bring a new component or pattern into the Design System, the Design System team can support you. The team can also work with you to ‘upstream’ something you’ve already built into the Design System.
Find out:
- about the upcoming components and patterns we’ve prioritised and chosen to work on
- how to propose a component or pattern
- how to develop a component or pattern
Learn how the Design System working group reviews and approves components and patterns to confirm they meet the contribution criteria.